So your feet feel like you’ve been stepping on Legos all day, your back feels like you were wrestling with a pair of Stormtroopers, and you’ve got a migraine that feels as impenetrable as the gates of Mordor.
If your quest for pain relief has left you frustrated and you’re still sore, you should consider long-term massage therapy!
Spoilers ahead: Pressure points are NOT the answer.
Contrary to popular belief, massage doesn’t have to hurt in order to work. I look at it as ironing out your muscles, not jamming elbows and knuckles into knots and trigger points.
My approach is less painful than the kinds of massage you’re probably familiar with but is just as effective.
Speaking of effective, while booking a (Han) SOLO massage can help with minor aches and pains, investing in ongoing massage therapy can help provide more sustained relief.
I’m proud to offer both short and long-term solutions depending on your needs.
Beth Patton, LMT
Some of my clients call me a Jedi.
I’m a geek by nature and I bring the same level of enthusiasm I have for Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Dr. Who into my massage practice.
I love nerding out over anatomy and kinesiology to help my clients get relief from their muscle pain and increase their range of motion.
Geek Girl Massage Therapy is located in Fort Worth at 3309 Winthrop; Suite 75, in Ridglea Theater which is the same building as the historic Ridglea Theater on Camp Bowie. Click here for more detailed directions.
Open Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
9 – 7 pm
Thursday and Friday
9 – 5 pm
11 – 4 pm
© 2024 All rights reserved Geek girl massage therapy