When you are dead set on starting your own business after massage school, life can be crazy for a while. No, actually – it can be crazy for a year or two. There are things I did not know or even think about when I was setting up my business. Want to learn from my mistakes so you can build your massage business faster? Here they are.
When you are dead set on starting your own business after massage school, life can be crazy for a while.
No, actually – it can be crazy for a year or two.
There are things I did not know or even think about when I was setting up my business.
Want to learn from my mistakes so you can build your massage business faster? Here they are.
Invest in a Business Plan on WordPress
In the beginning, I just had a free site. I had absolutely no clue that Google favored websites that are on a PAID business plan. Hint hint – you WANT Google to favor you!
Audit a Business Class
If I could do it all over again, I would have taken a beginner’s business class at the local university. And I even had time to kill because it took a long time for the state of Texas to actually mail my license to me. All that time I spent watching Lost in its entirety instead of learning to build my business was time wasted.
Audit a Marketing Class
Massage schools actually spend very little time teaching business and marketing. The marketing section of class basically consisted of, “Just pass out lots of business cards.” And, the first few years of being a solo massage therapist it seems like I spent 90% of my time marketing. Want clients and money? Spend time getting REALLY interested in your marketing.
Update My Blog Weekly
A website that’s frequently updated does better on Google searches. It’s like Google recognizes that your business is active and rewards you. Again, you want Google to recommend you, right?
Post to Google Plus
Say what? Google Plus? (I hear you laughing and shaking your head!) I know! Who uses Google Plus? NO ONE, right? Wrong. Google uses Google Plus. So, when you’re a business owner who uses Google, you need to post to Google Plus. I made the mistake of not posting to Google Plus and soon it was like Google forgot I existed. They thought I closed down and quit my business. I even disappeared from Google Maps. But once I was told to post to Google Plus regularly, then Google blessed me and I soon showed up on maps again, and rose higher in rankings. Now, I make sure when I post to Facebook, I just go ahead and post to Google Plus too.
There are probably several other things I didn’t do. These are the top 5 though, and if you’re a new massage therapist, or you’re thinking about becoming one, heed my advice here. DO these things. It’ll help you achieve your goals a lot faster.
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