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Common Massage Problems in Winter

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When you think of Winter, you may think of the holidays, warm fuzzy socks, and family fun. But it’s also a time when people tend to get out of their routine.  

And sometimes this can lead to these 3 common massage problems.


The Weekend Warrior:

You’ve been taking a break from your routine, and now work has begun and you need to catch up on things!  So you work late; you take fewer breaks.  Then the weekend comes and BOOM – you take the kids to the trampoline park and overindulge yourself and kinda hurt your knee.  Then maybe it snows where you live so then you have to shovel snow.  Now, not only does your knee hurt, but so does your back!


The Fix: Take breaks. Stretch. Keep up with your self massage techniques.


Getting off your Self Care Routine

This is so easy to do when the kids are home for the holidays. And, it really doesn’t matter if your children are primary school age or home from college. You want to spend time with them, and childcare may be hard to find since your regular sitter is away on break, too.


The Fix: Just because the kids are at home doesn’t mean you have to stop taking care of yourself. If anything, you have a greater reason because being a parent is tough work! Pour yourself that cup of tea, check out your favorite online yoga routine, and cash in on the babysitting your neighbor owes you and go sip that wine you’ve been eying.

And the great thing?  The kids have all gone back to school so now you really CAN focus on YOU for a bit.  



Did you get to go skiing?  Or did you drive 7 hours to visit the grandparents?  The Winter holidays are a popular time to get out of dodge and travel.  


The Fix: Schedule a massage before your trip and one after you’ve been home a few days. That’ll help remind you to keep up with your stretching routine while on the road.


I hope these fixes help you enjoy your winter. Keeping up with your self-care will keep you drinking your favorite coffee and binging your favorite shows all winter long!  I’m still working on Game of Thrones!


Did you overdo it this holiday and need to book your massage?  Book it here.

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