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How Massage is Like Your Favorite Taco

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I’ve had a lot of tacos in my life. I ate street tacos when I lived in Mexico. I eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And my absolute favorite was found in a neighborhood place a few blocks away from my house. They were fish tacos with an incredible ancho chile-mango pineapple salsa.


What made these the best tacos for me? They were made with baked tilapia. Most other fish tacos used fried fish. Well, I’m not 10 and I’ve not had fried fish since my tween years because my palette is more sophisticated now. Then, there was the salsa. I tried recreating it so many times at home and never could.


Seriously, sitting out on Ocean Rock’s patio and eating those tacos were the best thing ever.  And I didn’t have to drink anything alcoholic to enjoy them. For me, it was about the tacos. Eventually, that neighborhood place closed down because the owners retired and moved away. I’ve been sad ever since because I’ve not found a fish taco I’ve loved since then.  


So, what does all that have to do with massage?  


I’m getting there!  (Just got a little wistful thinking about those tacos)


People’s tastes in tacos are just as subjective as people’s taste in massage. Ask opinions in a Facebook group, and you’ll see what I mean. But, what makes a great taco is a few special ingredients mixed with some tried and true ingredients, right?


It’s the same in my massage practice.  


I have some tried and true massage techniques that every client gets because I’ve learned that they love those moves. That move I do around the scapula in present in all of the back massages I give NO MATTER WHAT.  


Do you have sciatic pain?  Well, I have some perfected massage techniques for that, too.  Not every client gets them, but those moves are the secret salsa that people with low back and hip pain receive.


And my super secret ingredient? That’s a blend of CBD salve, cupping, and massage that clients really love.


When you put those special moves, specialty oils and mix them with the techniques people are accustomed to, then you have a one of a kind massage that people rave about.


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