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Great Moms in Geek Fandoms

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Being a mom is hard work. I know because I am a mom. And since it’s almost Mother’s Day, I’d like to write about some of the great moms of Geek Fandoms because I see a lot of Moms I know in all of these television moms.

Martha Kent

Someone once told me that the reason he liked Superman so much is that he’s just good. And since he came to Earth as a baby and was adopted by the Kents then I have to think a lot of Superman’s ingrained goodness came from Martha Kent. She supported him and loved him no matter what. Superman became the hero he was because of his mom.

Joyce Summers

Joyce Summers is Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s mom. She was a working single mom, and while sometimes she seemed rather aloof to what was going on in Buffy’s life. She ignored countless pieces of evidence that her daughter wasn’t a typical high school student. Yet, there was no denying that she loved her daughter and felt that she would do anything to protect her.

Helen Parr

(aka Elastigirl) It doesn’t get any better than being able to form into a parachute to save your kids and at the same time be able to literally keep those same kids apart so they don’t beat each other up.

Molly Weasley

Sweet Mrs. Weasley raised 7 children, and two of them were always in trouble. It takes a lot of patience, humor, and love to be able to get 7 children into Hogwarts! Not only that, she welcomed Harry Potter as their home became a place of belonging and love for the orphaned boy wizard.

Each of these moms had their struggles, and they weren’t perfect. Though, they all had incredible strengths and a massive capacity to love unconditionally.

Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there making sandwiches, getting kids to school on time, doing laundry, and then waking up each day to do it all again. You’re all heroes in your own right!

Do you know a mom? Make sure she feels appreciated and loved this week!

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